TWAIN is an Horizon Europe project (GA101122194) running from November 2023 to October 2027, with the support of 12 partners from Denmark, Spain, Netherlands, France, Germany, Belgium, Poland, and Ireland.
The project is dedicated to ensuring the reliable and cost-effective design and operation of wind power plants, with a specific emphasis on system stability, security, and environmental considerations. This involves the pivotal role of coordinated solutions for wind farm control and asset management.
TWAIN aligns with ambitious decarbonization goals, acknowledging the transformative influence of powerful catalysts such as artificial intelligence (AI) and digitalization, driving the energy transition, and enabling the integration of wind farm control technology processes into the operation and design of future energy systems.
Merging diverse data from wind farms at different life stages.
AI-enhanced integration of multi-disciplinary processes and phenomena affecting wind farm operation.
Integration of multi-level prospects of wind farm control to access the added value of operation mode.
Using multi-level controllers and scenario analyses for decision support to achieve the balanced coexistence of wind power plants with their environment and society.
Sharing TWAIN outcomes with a wider audience.
To develop a modern data collection and analysis environment for the TWAIN workflow.
To quantify the economic, social and environmental implications and risks for a series of industrially critical case studies.
To optimise multi-objective, value-based WFC, through multi-level controller integration and related wind farm design.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
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