
Kick-off Meeting of TWAIN project – November 2023

TWAIN had its official kick-off meeting in Roskilde (Denmark) at the project’s coordinators headquarters, DTU, on November 23 and 24, which allowed the consortium partners to set up the initial action plan for the 48-months of the project.

The two days of the meeting were filled with the exchange of expectations for the upcoming four years, the plan for each of the work packages, and as an entry way to explore the groundbreaking work of the project in wind farming powered by artificial intelligence.

TWAIN is an Horizon Europe project running from November 2023 to October 2027, with the support of 12 partners from Denmark, Spain, Netherlands, France, Germany, Belgium, Poland and Ireland.    

The project is dedicated to ensuring the reliable and cost-effective design and operation of wind power plants, with a specific emphasis on system stability, security, and environmental considerations. This involves the pivotal role of coordinated solutions for wind farm control and asset management.

The consortium of the TWAIN Project is composed of DTU – Technical University of Denmark (DK), Centro Nacional de Energías Renovables (CENER) – National Renewable Energy Centre (ES), Delft University of Technology (NL), Technical University of Munich (DE), F6S Innovation (IE), Capital Energy (ES), ENGIE GREEN (FR), Laborelec (FR), EDF (FR), Ramboll (DK/DE), and SoftServe (PL).