
TWAIN General Assembly in Munich – November 2024

On November 27 and 28, 2024, TWAIN held its second General Assembly with all partners at the Technical University of Munich, in Germany.

On the first day of the meeting, the partners from SoftServe presented updates on the TWAIN Framework design, and the host institution, Technical University of Munich, together with the respective partners collaborating on the model developments for the wind farm response, also presented progresses on their work.

The first day was finalised with an acoustics session: a workshop with Pietro Bortolotti from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, a presentation on modelling of wind turbine noise emissions by Andreas Fischer from DTU – Technical University of Denmark, and a presentation on acoustics measurement campaign by the ENGIE GREEN partners.

On the second day, partners from DTU – Technical University of Denmark, Centro Nacional de Energías Renovables – National Renewable Energy Centre, Technical University of Munich, Delft University of Technology, and F6S Innovation, presented developments of their work and also current case studies and field tests. The meeting ended with an overview of the next steps of the project.