EERA DeepWind took place on January 15 to 17th, 2025, in Trondheim, Norway. The event aims to present the best ongoing research and innovation related to deep sea offshore wind farms, both bottom-fixed and floating. The conference has been developing every year since 2004, and is established as an important venue on deep sea offshore wind R&D and organised by SINTEF, NTNU and EERA JP wind.

At the international conference, Samuel Kainz from the Technical University of Munich presented, during the Environmental Impact session, a novel method to quantify the greenhouse gas emissions that wind energy generation is displacing in the connected electricity grid. Due to its time-varying nature, the environmental value can be maximised through wind farm control strategies by increasing the power output of a wind farm when fossil energy dominates the grid.
The method was well received by the audience and will be further developed during the TWAIN project. This will allow for the consideration of climate change impacts next to energy yield, fatigue loads, reliability, economic revenue, etc. in the formulation of future wind farm control strategies.
From CENER, Irene Eguinoa co-chaired together with Konstanze Kölle (SINTEF) the conference session on Wind Farm Control (WFC), fully related to TWAIN project scope. In the session, Lars Landberg (DNV) provided a keynote about the Joint Industry Project on wind farm control. Other relevant WFC topics were also presented, such as wake detection, lifetime impact of WFC or erosion impact on plant control strategies. Additionally, the conference served to stakeholder engagement and outreach, searching for synergies with other European projects and R&I initiatives, particularly for the definition of TWAIN case studies related to offshore wind energy.