The WindEurope Technology Workshop was held in Dublin, Ireland, on June 11 and 12th. The side event of the main WindEurope is focused on the latest innovations from across the wind sector and to tackle the outstanding technical challenges for the industry. Our partners from CENER and DTU were present for two sessions.
From CENER, Irene Eguinoa of the Wind Energy Department, was the chair of the session on “Curtailment & control“. The session addressed different aspects related to wind farm operation and its optimisation. Advances in bird monitoring systems were presented, given their interest in wildlife protection and curtailment mitigation. Also, wind farm flow control was discussed, covering dynamic effects from the pre-construction phase and the field application of real-time calculated set points. The session was completed by a presentation about the application of AI-based augmented intelligence to the optimisation of wind farm operation. The audience showed great interest in the topics discussed, raising questions for instance about their cost and lifetime impact, or how to perform data-driven modelling.
From DTU, Nikolay Dimitrov of the Wind Energy Department presented the results of the Hiperwind project in a final event. The H2020 Hiperwind project aims at a significant reduction in the Levelized Cost of Energy of offshore wind farms, through reductions in risk and uncertainty. This is achieved by incorporating uncertainty information throughout the entire wind turbine and wind farm modelling chain, from environmental conditions to reliability and cost of energy. The project runs from December 2020 to September 2024. The Hiperwind final event presented the major findings and research contributions from the project. A panel of the project partners discussed:
- Practical procedures for design under uncertainty, how this can be used to reduce material use, and what is the impact on LCOE.
- Advanced, probabilistic data-driven (surrogate) models.
- Reliability assessment methods.
- Component life prediction models.
- Uncertainty quantification of wake, hydrodynamics and aerodynamics models, coupled atmospheric flow modelling, joint probability of wind and wave parameters.
- O&M and LCOE models.
- New software tools. In the ensuing panel discussion and audience engagement, the TWAIN project was outlined as one of the follow-up activities that will utilize and further build on the Hiperwind results.